We’ve never experienced a year quite like 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on Oklahoma students, communities and schools, from the introduction of new instructional methods to concerns over unfinished learning and social and emotional well-being. As the light at the end of the tunnel brightens, we must now focus on how we respond to pandemic-related challenges and provide students what they need to thrive and grow.
As part of these efforts, we’ve developed the Ready Together Oklahoma web page as a hub for resources that help set the tone and expectations for future growth. Explore the following pages for resources and strategies to help students regain disrupted learning, feel safe and succeed within their local school community and beyond.
Now is the time to stand shoulder to shoulder as we rally around our students' progress and work toward a return to normalcy.
Let’s get started!
The Oklahoma State Department of Education Ready Together hub page will be updated as new information becomes available. Guidance briefs will be added as they are developed. Previously released and upcoming guidance is below, organized by topic.
For information about the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary Education Relief (ESSER) funds, please see our FAQs here.
Statewide Initiatives
Statewide initiatives represent the OSDE’s strategic, evidence-based investments of federal coronavirus relief funds to support students in every corner of Oklahoma. View all statewide initiatives here.